“I went in not knowing what to expect. Before we began Melissa talked me through all parts of the breathwork and put me at ease.

During the session I had one of the most intense experiences of my life and could feel energy vibrating throughout my entire body, additionally I felt completely unable to move. Normally this kind of sensation would put me in a panic, but before we started Melissa told me that all sorts of things might happen in my body and to continue to breathe through it.

Immediately afterward it felt nice to calm down and have my body come back to normal sensations. As the day wore on I felt incredibly focused and light. My dreams that night were very vivid and I remembered more of them than usual, as if a channel had opened between my subconscious and conscious mind.

As I move through new and challenging parts of life I will continue to do breathwork and have additional sessions with Melissa as a safe guide through them!”


Melissa Motzkin